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Having a Baby? Get Prenatal Care



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When Should I Introduce Solid Foods?

| baby, baby safety, food

As your baby grows, they will slowly switch from only eating breastmilk or formula to eating some solid foods. This switch will happen over a few months. At first, introducing solids to your baby is about teaching them to chew and swallow. Eventually, babies start to gain nutritional benefit from the new foods. The American…

Take Advantage of Summer Produce

| assistance, Detroit, eating healthy, food, healthy eating, healthy food, nutrition, resources

The summer is a great time to take advantage of fresh fruits and veggies. Fruits and veggies are a good source of vitamins and minerals that you need to keep you and your baby healthy. They can also be quite refreshing in the heat of summer. It can be tricky to find fresh fruit and…

What foods can help with morning sickness?

| advice, eating healthy, food, health, healthy eating, healthy food, nutrition, resources

There are many foods and drinks that can be used to combat morning sickness or pregnancy nausea. To keep you and your baby healthy, it is important that you continue to eat nutritious foods and drink liquids. However, sometimes during pregnancy, it can be difficult to enjoy food and drinks. Pregnancy heightens your senses. This…

Healthy Holiday Tips

| assistance, balanced meals, calories, family, family meals, food, food pantries, health, healthy, healthy eating, healthy food, holidays, nutrients, nutrition, nutrition labels, portions, serving size, vegetables, water, weight loss

Bringing the family together around the dinner table is a huge part of the holidays. However, all of the sweet potato pies, turkeys, pop, and everything else can really add up! Julie Fromm, Registered Dietitian of Henry Ford Health System’s Generation with Promise dishes out some super easy tips for healthy eating during the holidays.…

Holiday Assistance Round-Up 2015

| advice, assistance, baby, children, Christmas, Christmas assistance, cost, Detroit, family, financial aid, food, help, holiday assistance, holidays, kids, money, presents, programs, referral services, resources, services, social services, stress, support, Thanksgiving

Real talk, the holiday season is expensive. You don’t need us to tell you it can be really difficult when you have kids and money is tight. There are programs out there that can help you give your family the holiday they hoped for.

Lettuce Eat

| assistance, budget, Detroit, eating healthy, family, food, health, healthy eating, healthy food, local resources, nutrition, resources

We want to feed our family the best. It may seem that trying to buy healthy, local, fresh food is expensive. A great option is to grow your own food!

Got an app for that?

| asking for help, assistance, baby, baby safety, budget, child safety, food, healthy eating, help baby, housing, nutrition, prenatal care, reproductive hea, resources, safety, saving money, support

Try these as your go to tools for managing everything from your doctor’s appointments to what’s for dinner to birth control. Here are our top picks for apps we gotta have!

Community Mosaic Mural

| art, children, community, creativity, Detroit, eating healthy, encouragement, event, family, food, free, giveaway, giveaways, healthy food, inspiration, local resources, music, resources

On Tuesday, September 23rd we unveiled our Community Mosaic Mural, “Expecting” This mural represents artwork from 1389 moms, kids, dads, doctors, social workers, grandmas, aunts, uncles, CEOs, nurses, teachers, librarians, and many more.  Over a year we collected art from 10 DPS schools, 3 Detroit Public Libraries, and 4 community events. Each artist was asked…


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Having a Baby? Get Prenatal Care