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World Breastfeeding Week 2024

The first week of August is World Breastfeeding Week. This week is an opportunity to discuss topics and issues surrounding breastfeeding. Approximately 56% of babies in the United States receive breastmilk through six months of age. Breastfeeding has benefits for both moms and babies. Not only does it offer health benefits, but it is also always available. Moms who breastfeed can be confident that they will be able to feed their baby, no matter any instability they may face. 


The 2024 theme for World Breastfeeding Week is “Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All”. There are huge inequalities in breastfeeding support worldwide. This is especially the case in vulnerable populations. When a parent is unsupported in their breastfeeding journey, they face barriers when feeding their child. Some of these barriers come in the form of few lactation stations in workplaces or public environments that are hostile to breastfeeding. Other barriers might look like a lack of access to breastfeeding support or a lack of savings to take time off work postpartum.  

To increase support for breastfeeding mothers, the following things can be done: 

  • Increasing the number of trained healthcare professionals, like lactation consultants, who provide breastfeeding counseling 
  • Increasing the amount of paid time off to breastfeed 
  • Providing plenty of paid time off following birth 
  • Increasing support for breastfeeding support programs 
  • Encouraging supportive partners and families  
  • Creating inclusive public environments 
  • Providing spaces to breastfeed or pump in workplaces 


These improvements can be made by the government, non-profit organizations, policymakers, health systems, workplaces, communities, friends, families, and everyday people. Anyone can take steps to support breastfeeding mothers. 


It is important that anyone who wishes to breastfeed has the support they need. WIN Network is committed to removing breastfeeding inequalities and barriers while supporting mothers in their breastfeeding journey. We look forward to a day in which all moms and parents feel supported when breastfeeding. 


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