Our babies are back! Group Prenatal Care Reunion August 2018

Group prenatal care groups S and T came back together for an afternoon of fun, family photos, food, prizes, and more! Now that their babies are 3+ months old, we couldn’t wait to get these moms, dads, and babies in one room to meet each other and catch up. During pregnancy, these moms and support partners saw each other every 2-4 weeks during group prenatal care sessions. Seeing group prenatal care moms and babies bonding and staying in touch even after group sessions end is such a fulfilling part of the work of WIN Network. Group prenatal care truly can create bonds that last a lifetime! Check out photos from this great reunion below!
What is group prenatal care? Group prenatal care gives moms and families extra support and education during pregnancy. Our moms get the help of a Community Health Worker and a Certified Nurse Midwife to make sure they are prepared for everything they will face in pregnancy and beyond. Learn more about group prenatal care here!