On May 10th, 2018 at the Charles H. Wright Museum in Detroit, the Detroit Institute for Equity in Birth Outcomes held its first-ever conference, “In Pursuit of a Baby-Friendly Detroit: Affirming the Value of Women.” Professionals in nursing, social work, public health, community health, and more gathered to help define how we can work collectively…
A couple times each year, we hold a group prenatal care reunion, where our GPC moms, babies and families come back together for a celebration. In April 2018, we held our Group Prenatal Care Reunion for groups P, Q, and R. Our moms, babies, and families joined us for an afternoon of food, photos, games, and…
March 26, 2018 — Happy Women’s History Month! At WIN Network: Detroit, we spend our time working with and for women, and we encounter inspiring women every day. To celebrate the end of Women’s History Month, some WIN Network: Detroit team members reflect on a woman in their lives or in history that has inspired…
March 21, 2018 — Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit has earned the prestigious Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) designation. This designation is awarded to hospitals that follow strict breastfeeding and maternal care guidelines established by the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Less than 500 of the 3,000 hospitals in the United States have…
We thank you for your interest in contributing to our work at WIN Network: Detroit! We have recently set up an online donation system for those interested in funding the important work we are doing to prevent infant mortality in Detroit. When women connect with tools to address their immediate needs, they can focus on…
Experiencing racial discrimination causes stress hormones to be released in the body, and these hormones make a mother more likely to go into labor too early.
February 22, 2018 WIN Network: Detroit has been featured in Henry Ford Health System’s Patient Engaged Research Center Newsletter for Quarter 1 of 2018 in an article titled The Women-Inspired Neighborhood Network is a WINN-WIN for Detroit. Check out the newsletter here, you’ll find us on page 3! Thank you to PERC for this great…
We’ve been working hard to save our Detroit babies and empower women and families. For more frequent updates on what WIN Network is accomplishing in the Detroit community, follow us on our social media pages! Facebook Twitter Instagram
For the past year or more WIN Network: Detroit and Great Start Collaborative of Wayne have been diligently working in partnership with the Detroit Regional Infant Mortality Reduction Task Force and the Detroit Institute for Equity in Birth Outcomes to promote perinatal health through social media. Organizations from access the Detroit area will be posting ready-made images and messages to their…