Heat it Up and Stay Active this Winter

The chill in the air and snow on the ground not only make it difficult to go outside, winter weather can also affect our mood too. Need some ideas of ways to work up a sweat this winter?
There are plenty of ways to move our bodies and exercise during the cold winter months. The tips below can help you warm up, improve your mood, and give you more energy.
Make sure to check with your doctor before you begin a new activity.
- Dance party – Turn up the heat with a dance party at home! Crank up the radio and shake that body! The kids will love it.
- Workout videos – There are tons of fitness videos on YouTube. Just search for the type of workout you like, or search “Workout” and explore the options. Don’t have the internet at home or on your phone? Head over to the local library to check out a wide variety of exercise videos and books.
- Walk laps inside– When it’s too cold to go for a walk outside, walking inside at a mall or a big box store is a warm, safe and fun option. Who doesn’t like window-shopping? Can’t get out to the stores? Doing a few laps at home works too. Start out slow and then speed up the pace as your body begins to warm up.
- Take the stairs – Whenever there’s a choice, choose the stairs. Even if just walking up a flight of stairs to your apartment or attending a meeting on the third floor, choosing the stairs it’s like a mini-workout built into life.
- Local fitness classes – Check out your local community center or neighborhood churches to see if they host fitness classes. Some may offer donation based or free classes.
- Play with the kids – Have a jumping jack competition with the kids, hula-hoop or jump rope in the basement (or where ever there is safe space). See who can do the most jumping jacks or jog in place the longest between TV commercials.
- Housework counts too! – Whether it’s shoveling the snow, doing laundry, or vacuuming the house, these activities keep our bodies moving and active. It’s never too early to start spring-cleaning.
- Volunteer – Get involved with organizations or events in your neighborhood. Soup kitchens, toy drives, a church clean up, or delivering meals to the home bound are ways you can be physically active and give back to your community this winter.
For more tips on physical activity, check out these links: