File your taxes in 2022 to receive your 2021 Child Tax Credit

Do you have kids under 18 in your home? You should have received the first half of your child tax credit in monthly cash payments from July-December 2021. To receive the second half of your credit, file taxes in 2022!
Didn’t receive your payments in 2021? It’s not too late, but you must file your taxes in 2022! You may be eligible even if you are not the child’s biological parent or if you do not usually file taxes or have low/no earnings.
How much is the 2021 Child Tax Credit worth?
Children under age 6: Up to $3,600 per child
Children ages 6 to 17: Up to $3,000 per child
Who can get the Child Tax Credit?
- Single people who make <$75k or <$112,500 who file taxes as head of household
- Married couples who make <$150k combined
- People whose kids have a social security number
- People who make more than these numbers may be able to get smaller payments
You may be able to get this tax credit even if you do not usually file taxes or have low/no income.
For help filing your taxes, visit