Celebrating our 2019 American Hospital Association NOVA Award!

In July of 2019, WIN Network: Detroit was chosen as one of five recipients of the 2019 NOVA award from the American Hospital Association. The award recognizes “hospital-led collaborative efforts that improve community health,” which we received for our efforts to provide group prenatal care to Detroit residents in collaboration with Henry Ford Women’s Health.
Recently, we gathered our team, collaborators, community partners, and supporters together to celebrate this achievement at the NOVA Award Reception!
Dr. Kimberlydawn Wisdom, Senior Vice President of Community Health & Equity and founder of WIN Network: Detroit, opened the evening up with a welcome address.
Certified Nurse Midwife Char’ly Snow and Community Health Worker Nada Dickinson reflected on the work done to get WIN Network: Detroit where we are today.
Dr. Adnan Munkarah, Executive Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer, shared his thoughts and congratulated the team.
See more photos from our event below!