WIN Network


Having a Baby? Get Prenatal Care



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6 #MOMmoments for a Stress-Less Holiday Season

| asking for help, assistance, deep breathing, destress, eating healthy, exercise, family, health, heathy, help, holiday, holidays, meditating, moms, nutrition, physical activity, rest, sleep, stress, support

Oh holidays, oh holidays, why are you so stressful? All of the running around, wish lists deeper than our wallets, and rough winter weather. To say the least, holidays can be a bit much. Not to mention all our normal everyday “mom” tasks! Here are some ways you can take a “mom-moment,” and stress less…

4 Things Every Girl Should Be Doing NOW

| assistance, birth defects, doctors visits, exercis, family tree, folic acid, future, health, healthy eating, help, nutrition, physical activity, plan, planning, pregnancy, reproductive plan, sleep, support

Whether you plan to have a baby soon or having kids is way down the road for you, there are 4 things that every girl can do now to help prevent birth defects and having a baby too early. Make a plan We know that anything can happen at any moment. Making a plan about…


| anxiety, assistance, budget, help, inspiration, mental health, relax, sleep, stress

The holidays have come and gone. We made it to a NEW YEAR! We might be thinking on last year saying, “This year is going to be better, but some things MUST CHANGE.” However, after a few days into the New Year, things happen and we’re right back into the same old mess trying to…


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Having a Baby? Get Prenatal Care