I don’t always have transportation. How am I supposed to get to my prenatal care appointments?

Not having reliable access to a car, bus, or other form of transportation can make it harder to get to your healthcare provider throughout pregnancy. There are many free transportation resources in Detroit, even during COVID-19. Additionally, WIN Network: Detroit has more remote offerings to make sure you can receive care.
Resources in Detroit
Sells and auctions donated vehicles to the public. Pre-qualified low-income individuals can get a 50% discount on vehicles sold at the auction.
Contact Email: HeretoHelpFoundation@icloud.com
Here to Help can assist temporarily impoverished individuals facing an emergency and who can’t presently afford the necessities of life. Find out if you qualify for their programs here.
Request Help here.
Public Transportation
With the COVID-19 pandemic, DDOT buses are not currently collecting fares. However, at this time, the city is trying to limit bus rides to essential trips only to protect both drivers and passengers.
Once bus travel is expanded, Detroiters will be able to apply for reduced bus fares again. Learn more about how to apply here.
You or a loved one may quality for reduced fares from SMART Bus if the individual is between 6 and 18 years of age, older than 65, or have a disability. Learn more about reduced fares here.
Refer to WIN Network Detroit’s Transportation Resource Page for more information about transportation resources for Detroiters.
Patients covered by Medicaid
If you have insurance through Medicaid, you may be eligible to get rides to and from your healthcare provider’s office for Medicaid-approved care. This is called “non-emergency medical transportation” and only covers the ride to and from your appointment. Coverage varies depending on an individual’s needs and situation.
To figure out how to get a ride, you may have to speak your Medicaid caseworker as well as the ride service company. You may be in a car, van, taxi, or rideshare service, such as Uber or Lyft. If you are enrolled in a Medicaid Managed Care Plan, call the customer service line for information on how to get a ride. If you have any questions, you can also ask your CHW.
Virtual Visits
As more providers and hospitals adapt to COVID-19 social distancing restrictions and public health guidelines, virtual visits are becoming more common. Talk to your provider about what kinds of virtual options are available throughout your pregnancy. Your provider -may be able to give you supplies and education to record health information, like weight, blood pressure, and more at home.
Check out this video to learn a bit more about virtual prenatal care at Henry Ford.
United Way 2-1-1
If you need help with resources for transportation including auto payment assistance, gas money, and more, dial 2-1-1 or text your zip code to 898211—24 hours a day, 7 days a week—to get fast, free, confidential help. Trained staff is always available to help you find what you need.
COVID-19 and Beyond
The pandemic has challenged everyone, including those working at WIN Network: Detroit, in ways none of us could have imagined. We are thinking outside of the box to offer virtual option to our group prenatal care (GPC) moms. With support from United Way of Southeast Michigan and BET, we are developing a fully virtual model of GPC in the coming months. Mothers will be able to rent blood pressure cuffs, scales, and sonogram dopplers (which measures a fetus’ movement) during their pregnancy to monitor their and their baby’s health at home. Our Community Health Workers will work with moms that need help accessing internet or a device to use for a virtual visit.
Your WIN Network: Detroit Community Health Worker (CHW)
If you’re in WIN Network: Detroit’s Group Prenatal Care, you get 1-on-1 support from a Community Health Worker. If you are having trouble getting to a clinic for healthcare, your CHW will work with you to make sure you have a way to get to your appointment.