Young Women
You have the power to make a difference in your future. You decide what happens. Check out this information and start thinking about the plans you want to make in your life.
You have the power to make a difference in your future. You decide what happens. Check out this information and start thinking about the plans you want to make in your life.
You have the power to make a difference in you and your family’s future. Check out this information to help put your plans into action.
You can make a difference by setting goals and making plans to reach your dreams. Check out this information to start planning your next steps.
Do you believe in the young women and moms in your life? Check out this information for ways to support them and help them reach their goals.
WIN Network: Detroit wants to connect you to the resources that you need. We’ve put together a list of local resources here in Detroit. If you know of a resource that is not listed here, or if you would like to submit a correction or update, please contact us.